You've Got to be Kidding Me!
According to today's New York Times article, NBC in its ever-present wisdom has decided to take the hyper-popular SNL skit, "Lazy Sunday" off the web in an attempt to prevent it from being emailed and passed around.
Are you kidding me?I even wrote about this in a previous blog post praising the rich media web for bringing this quality of content to the forefront.
Why would a network - who coincidentally is getting it's peacock stuffed by rivals ABC (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy) and CBS (CSI franchise, 60 Minutes) - try and stymie the buzz that viewers are generating about one of its top shows...FOR FREE! It doesn't cost NBC a dime to let word of mouth spread its creativity around the world.
In the words of Jay Leno to Hugh Grant when he asked why Grand would cheat on his gorgeous wife (Elizabeth Hurley) with a street walker..."What were you thinking?"
Long live the Double True guys!
Are you kidding me?I even wrote about this in a previous blog post praising the rich media web for bringing this quality of content to the forefront.
Why would a network - who coincidentally is getting it's peacock stuffed by rivals ABC (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy) and CBS (CSI franchise, 60 Minutes) - try and stymie the buzz that viewers are generating about one of its top shows...FOR FREE! It doesn't cost NBC a dime to let word of mouth spread its creativity around the world.
In the words of Jay Leno to Hugh Grant when he asked why Grand would cheat on his gorgeous wife (Elizabeth Hurley) with a street walker..."What were you thinking?"
Long live the Double True guys!