Wright of Way

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Weather Channel Makes a Bold Forecast

TWC launched a new show a few weeks ago called, "It Could Happen Tomorrow" which talks about what could happen if bad weather strikes major cities across the country. Production for the show began back in March 2005. Pre-Katrina and Rita.

ICHT microsite, click here www.whatifweather.com

The pilot episode ironically enough was a look at what would happen if a Category 5 hurricane hit New Orleans. The show predicted in great detail what actually happened from the levies, to the flooding, the Superdome being ripped apart, etc. Eerie.

TWC has since chosen not to air the episode, but you can see a clip of the show with a brief intro from TWC stud, Jim Cantore. The show also has a cool rich media promotional site too at weather.com.

I still think TWC missed a big opp here. Think if this episode was available on the blogosphere, or better yet, iTunes. At $1 a pop, think of all the extra revenue that the affected Southern Coast residents could use to help rebuild the area.

Understandly, TWC wants to avoid even a hint of profiteering from this disaster, but a controlled marketing spin could have mitigated that perception. Am I wrong? Wouldn't this have been an awesome use of rich media marketing? Or am I just a capitalistic pig who won't let time heal wounds?

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